Kara visits to Adam, who’s been worried about where she had gone. Kara breaks up with him before they’ve even properly started dating because its easier to deal with her two lives without a distraction. So being a superhero wins over love. Alex storms Maxwell’s offices and arrests him. He’s taken to the DEO and locked up. Hank tells Alex off for acting so rashly but Alex says she couldn’t stand Maxwell threatening her family. Bizarro then kidnaps James; he manages to warn Supergirl using the handy SOS alarm hidden in his watch and she arrives on the scene. They have another fight while Alex turns up at the scene armed with an ion-charged gun. She can’t get a clean shot but Kara tells her to fire anyway and she hits Bizarro, who’s later taken back to the DEO. Kara wants to help Bizarro because it’s not her fault and feels guilt when they put her down. This scene highlights who the real enemy is and shows Kara’s determination to go after him - Maxwell Lord.
Like the last time, Kara and Adam’s date goes off with a great start - they even kiss! But things very quickly turn sour when Bizarro literally whisks Kara away - yes, Kara, not Supergirl. They have a laser-eyes battle before Kara tries to talk her down but it ends up in more fighting. The DEO arrive and Alex shoots Bizarro with Kryptonite; her skin begins to degrade showing who she really is. Later, Kara realises that Maxwell knows about Supergirl’s real identity because Bizarro came after Kara, not Supergirl. Hank explains that Bizarro is a mirror image of Supergirl and the Kryptonite makes her stronger.
<<<<<Kara and Adam’s date goes off to a good start but it’s unfortunately interrupted with breaking news - the National City Tramway has a mechanical failure so people have been left hanging over the bay. Kara makes up an excuse to leave and Supergirl arrives to save the day, but the doppelgänger turns up too. “We kill Supergirl,” says the lookalike as she initiates a fight. But Kara manages to break away to save the tram when it starts falling, while the lookalike watches. The next day, Cat decides to name the doppelgänger ‘Bizarro’. Winn figures out who ‘Bizarro’ is - It has taken Maxwell seven tries to create the perfect Supergirl doppelgänger as he’s been claiming comatose girls to experiment on.
*It’s already been established in Supergirl that the superhero has no real chance at a love life. It’s not because our heroine is not attractive or she isn’t insanely smart; it’s because she just doesn’t have the time. Between fetching Cat’s coffee during the day to fighting crime at night, there is no time in Kara’s life for dating. But nevertheless, Kara still gives it a go with some interesting results.
*This week opens with a flashback to three months ago at Lord Technologies. Maxwell is seen injecting a strange substance into a comatose girl. We’re back to the normal timeline where Lord is calling his new experiment, an exact replica of Supergirl, his perfect creation. Over at the DEO Hank, Alex and Supergirl try and figure out who the mysterious blonde lookalike is. Hank says that it couldn’t be a Maxwell Lord creation because he a comatose girl a few weeks ago - and Maxwell isn’t a God.
*At work, Winn is finally talking to Kara again but the shocker comes in the form of Cat, who turns up to the office with her own coffee. Wait - scrap that. Cat turns up to the office with her own coffee AND has one for Kara. What’s going on? Why the sudden change? Well, it turns out Cat is being nice to Kara because she’s going on a date with her son Adam. Cat calls an editorial meeting to think of headlines for the Supergirl-2 story. After everyone comes up with terrible ideas Kara speaks up saying that it could be an imposter and Cat takes on that angle. Kara, James and Winn take a trip down to their secret lair to try and figure out who this imposter is. Over at Lord Technologies, Maxwell is feeding negative ideas of Supergirl into the doppelgänger’s brain to make it her aim to kill National City’s hero.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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